Skull base surgery after care: Tips to recover faster

There is no doubt that the skull base surgery is pretty complicated and associated with numerous post-operative complications. While your doctor will be there to take care of these complications post the surgical procedure, there are certain factors that will impact your recovery journey. No one wants to stay at the hospital for months, which is why you must adopt a few practices that can help you recover faster and allow you to return to your normal life. Below we have presented a few aftercare tips for skull base surgery in Faridabad.

Sleep posture

Maintaining an optimal sleep posture is important for every patient who has undergone the skull base surgery. It is better to sleep in a position such that your head is elevated from the body’s central line axis. So, use two pillows for supporting your head’s position. It will prevent both nasal congestion and bleeding, which are common for skull base surgeries.

Minimal physical movements

Physical activities are necessary for a faster recovery from a complicated procedure like the skull base surgery. However, you shouldn’t move around every now and then, especially immediately after the surgery. You will still be under the anesthetic effect and moving around without doctor’s permission might result in injuries or worse, torn stitches and bleeding at the surgical site.

Maintaining healthy diet

Another important factor you should look into for a faster recovery from thyroid removal surgery through the skull’s base is maintaining a proper diet. The food intake should be highly nutritious so that your body’s natural healing mechanism can have a performance boost. For instance, eat more fruits and vegetables since they are loaded with several micronutrients. Limit the intake of oily and spicy food items as that might interfere with your recovery process.

Awareness about bleeding and pain

During the first week of surgery, bleeding from the wound site and pain are common. The condition will get better once your body starts healing the wound through cell regeneration. However, if the surgical site is bleeding excessively or you are experiencing intolerable pain, immediately connect with your doctor for a checkup.


Although there are several post-operative complications associated with the skull base surgery, responsible and diligent doctors will be there to remediate the condition. All you need to do is follow your doctor’s instructions properly and adopt healthy practices like we have mentioned above.


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