What type of thyroid surgery am I a candidate for?

The thyroid gland – the small butterfly-shaped organ situated on the front side of the neck, extended around the sides of your throat can impact the overall body significantly when it isn’t working properly. 

You are likely to develop a medical condition called hyperthyroidism if your thyroid gland releases too much hormone. It may contribute to an imbalance in the thyroid hormone, which is largely responsible for the body's metabolism. The hormone is even vital for brain development in the infant. If less hormone is released, you will likely develop a condition called hypothyroidism.

But many contributors can send a patient to thyroid surgery in Faridabad. And what type of thyroid surgery you can be a candidate for, explained down below –

Partial Thyroid Lobectomy

The operation is performed to relieve patients with thyroid hypertrophy and achieve hormonal control of hyperthyroidism. The surgery can also be used as a treatment to prevent sequelae of thyroid carcinoma. 

Thyroid Lobectomy

A thyroid lobectomy is also a common surgical treatment nowadays recommended when the surgeon realizes the need to remove one of two thyroid lobes. The surgery is typically conducted if the condition is cancerous. 

Thyroid lobectomy with Isthmusectomy

The surgeon recommends the standard surgical technique for the removal of unilateral thyroid nodules. Patients with thyroid cancer might undergo this surgical procedure.

Subtotal thyroidectomy

The doctor may advise for this surgical procedure when the side of the glands need to be removed. The operation is, however, for thyroid cancers that aren't too aggressive. The operation is commonly advised for patients with goitres.

Total Thyroidectomy

The operation is a comprehensive surgical procedure recommended for the removal of the thyroid gland entirely. Those patients suffering from serious thyroid cancer and having no choice left would undergo this treatment.  


Thyroplasty is a surgical procedure for patients with vocal cord paralysis. In the procedure, the surgeon would place an implant into the weak vocal cord, allowing better voicing.

Final Words

Many people undergo thyroid treatment every week and Endoscopic sinusitis surgery in Faridabad at Dr Swapnil Brajpuriya. So, contact the doctor if your condition also calls for surgical treatments.


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