What are ENT Doctors?

Some of the diseases that "ENT" (ear, nose, and throat) specialists treat include issues with hearing and balance, swallowing and speech, breathing and sleep troubles, allergies and sinuses, head and neck cancer, skin disorders, and even facial plastic surgery. ENT experts are known as "otolaryngologists" in the medical community.

In addition to treating your sinus headache, your child's swimmer's ear, or your father's sleep apnea, ENT specialists also do surgery. There are skilled ENT surgeons and physicians who can unblock airways that have become obstructed, remove tumours from the head, neck, and throat, and repair these vital tissues.

What conditions does an ENT speicalist treat?

General otolaryngologists treat a wide range of problems and do not restrict their practise to just one area of the head and neck. However, some ENT experts choose to specialise further in one of the following fields:

Ear: Otology of the ear Balance and hearing are essential for how we go about our daily lives. ENT doctors treat a variety of ailments, including ear infections, hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus, among others.

Nose: Our nostrils make breathing easier by helping to filter out allergies, dirt, and other potentially hazardous substances. ENT specialists treat a variety of conditions in addition to allergies, such as deviated septum, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinus headaches, migraines, nasal obstruction, tumours at the base of the skull, including those inside the cranial cavity, and more.

Throat: A painful throat, hoarseness, GERD, infections, throat tumours, airway and vocal cord abnormalities, among other conditions, are all treated by ENT specialists. In some cases they also perform Thyroid surgery in Faridabad.

Head and Neck: ENT experts treat benign neck masses, thyroid diseases include benign and malignant tumours, Grave's disease, enlarging thyroid glands, parathyroid dysfunction, and more in addition to head and neck cancers.

Whom to choose for ENT Treatment

Dr. Swapnil is a senior consultant ENT and a gold medalist in MS-ENT, making the best choice for ENT treatment in Faridabad. He has more than 16 years of expertise, and he has a keen interest in sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty, snoring, and sleep apnea.


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