ORAL CAVITY CANCER- all you need to know!
Survivors of life threatening illness can be left in profound fear and distress if not given proper treatment on time and cancer is one such disease that needs immediate treatment. With a rapidly aging world population, widespread oncogenic viruses, and constant environmental pollution and destruction, tumours and cancers are poised to exert an increasingly severe toll on human health and well-being. Tumours and Cancers have acquired a notorious reputation not only because of their ability to exploit host cellular machinery for their own advantage but also for their potential to cause human misery.
Taking in considerations- the head and neck cancer which mostly affects our oral cavity. Various tumours are known to affect the oral cavity (including the lips), the most important of which are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), verrucous Carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and lymphoma.
- SCC typically originates from the red lip (especially the lower lip), with a possibility of neck metastases and accounts for >90% of oral cancer. It begins in a flat, scale-like squamous cell of the epithelium that covers the mouth and throat.
- Verrucous carcinoma is a less common type of SCC that makes up <5% of all oral cancer. As a low-grade cancer, it can grow deeply into surrounding Tissue but rarely spreads to other parts of the body.
- BCC often arises from the white lip (especially the upper lip). It is a much less common oral cavity cancer.
- Lymphoma develops in the tonsils and base of the tongue containing Immune system (lymphoid) tissue.
As the third most common cancer after stomach and cervical cancer, and the largest group of head and neck cancer, oral cancer mainly occurs in people of >50 years of age (90%) and rarely in people <50 years of age (10%). Men tend to be more often affected than women.
- Reasons of Oral Cavity Cancer include
- tobacco smoking/chewing,
- Alcohol drinking,
- Gutka chewing,
- Diet low in beta-carotene–rich Vegetables and citric fruits,
- Poor oral health,
- Infection with Candida albi-Cans, human herpes virus, and human papillomavirus,
- Cure For Disease
Standard treatments for oral cavity cancer are surgery and radiotherapy. Other new types of treatment (i.e., chemotherapy, hyper fractionated radiation therapy, and hyperthermia therapy) may also be considered after consultation with an ENT Surgeon.
Refer to Dr. Swapnil Brajpuriya via his website drswapnilbrajpuriya.in, his treatment will assure you that you are in the right hands for the security of your life from the risk of cancer death!
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