Who needs a Thyroplasty Voice surgery?
Thyroplasty voice surgery is a permanent solution to correct the placement of the vocal cord. It is the best way to ameliorate a patient's voice and their propensity to cough. It usually needs a night's stay at the hospital post-surgery so that the incision can be monitored. During this stay, antibiotics are provided and are made sure the patient gets no hassle breathing. Thyroplasty voice surgery process For the identification of the voice box, a minute cut is made on the neck while the patient is asleep. Through this cut, a hole is made in the voice box to implant Gore-Tex. This helps in moving the vocal cord to the right position. It is during this process the patient is asked to speak several times to adjust the voice box. Dos and don’ts post-surgery: The bandage around the neck should not be manipulated. It is to protect the incision made during the surgery. Bathrooms can be normally used as the patient can walk with assistance on the very night of surgery. Howev...